Monday, 10 September 2012

Paris - very Joie de Vivre

The first of the Paris Must do's ..................

A Paris morning would not be complete without Cafe avec Crossaint, and so that was how it started, but we did walk through the Jardin du Luxembourge to get there - another beautiful morning in Paris and the sun was shining.

We headed off to meet Geoff and Coz, and then started our adventure on the Metro, heading for the Arc de Triomphe, and then a wander along the Champs Elyses.  We walked and walked yesterday, hopefully wearing off the piggly-wiggly lunches we have been having.  The big test will happen today when I try to wear the new shorts I bought just before leaving home - if they still fit it may have to be officially ordained at Notre Dame Catherdral this afternoon as a "Joie de Vivre" miracle.

We then headed to book our Wednesday tour for Monet's Garden, a quick lunch, and then off to the Musee du Louvre.  Wow, it never fails to amaze - this was my fourth visit the the Louvre, however I still got to see new things.  Mum and Dad wandered to see a favourite gal, whilst Jon and I did the Napolean apartments.   The lovely bedroom looked very inviting after a long afternoon of wandering the streets (it's even it my favourite colour, blue - it had my name all over it, but for once, I showed restraint and didn't jump up there for a nap.

After a long day of walking, we headed for home through St Germain du Pres.  A little thirsty, Jon took charged and organised a quick beer for us before heading home to our lovely apartment for a quiet evening of blogging.

(PS - no, that is not an optical illusion in the photo - it really was as big as my head - Jon declared he had a hangover before he even finished the beer).


  1. OMG that beer is huge! Weather also looks fab. How did the shorts test go??!!

  2. Pleased to report that the red shorts still fit!!! Yep, it's a miracle, although after Le Christine last night and Eiffel Tower tonight it may be a different story - although we have walked our feet off (to bloody stumps according to Jon).

    Getting ready for dinner now, but will blog again tomorrow.
